The CrossWire Bible Society is adopting Go Bible as one of its open-source software applications and development projects.
Now that there a link to Go Bible project from the CrossWire applications page , I would like to issue a call for volunteers for experienced Java programmers to help in taking the development project forward. There is more to do than any single one of us can manage, given all the other calls on our time and resources.
Please visit my CrossWire Developers wiki page and volunteer to take on some of the tasks listed. By all means add further tasks, as and when you identify a requirement. If you have suggestions, discuss them in my Talk page, and/or send to the relevant CrossWire mailing list.
You will find it helpful to join the Go Bible Forum, Go Bible Google group, and Go Bible Dev Google group, and Google code pages for Go Bible, as and when appropriate. You can find all the relevant links in the side panel of this blog.
Please keep me in the loop.